Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion

Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion image film producer image creator video editor

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Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion - the best way to record events, meetings, concerts, talks, theater performances...
for publication on the web, TV, on BluRay, DVD

A challenging combination: demands and a tight budget?

It is seldom possible to achieve both at the same time. Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion is the exception and the only video production company to refute this rule. The cameras we use are the latest generation of the same type with large 1 inch image sensors. Excellent image quality is guaranteed despite difficult lighting conditions. The use of programmable motorized pan-tilts makes remote control of the cameras possible, which reduces manpower and saves money.

These are included among other services

Parallel video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

A main field of activity of Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion is multi-camera video recording and video production. We rely on high-quality cameras of the same type. Basically, at least 4K/UHD is recorded. Professional software is used for video editing on high-performance computers, which is also used by TV stations worldwide. Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p as well.
Video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings ...

For the video recording of concerts, theater performances, readings, etc., we consistently use the multi-camera method. If the many areas of the stage performance are to be recorded on video from different perspectives, we use the multi-camera method to do this. We use cameras that are remote controlled. The cameras are controlled from a central point with regard to zoom, sharpness and alignment. It only takes one person to control all the cameras. Additional cameramen are not required.
Video reports for television and the Internet

Through many years of activity, we also have a wealth of experience in this area. Several hundred TV reports, video reports and reports were produced and broadcast. Both the topics and the locations were very diverse. These included current information and news, social events, cultural events, sports competitions, football, handball and much more. Due to our many experiences, we are able to work for you in almost all topics to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

Depending on what the client wants and how the situation is on site, several cameras are also used for interviews, rounds of talks, discussion events, etc. If the questioner should not be visible in interviews with only one person, two cameras would be sufficient. In any case, more than two cameras are required when it comes to video recording of interviews and conversations with several people. Remotely controllable cameras would be used if it is an event with an audience. The time required can be reduced if the video recordings are conversations and interviews without an audience.
Video editing, video cutting, audio editing

Of course, recording events, concerts, theater performances, talks, etc. on video is only half the battle. The second and at least as important part of a video production is the video editing. During the video editing, the soundtracks and audio tracks are viewed, adjusted and mixed at the same time. If additional text and image material is to be integrated, this is not a problem. Logos and blurbs can also be designed and integrated. We also cut videos from their or material from other sources. If the soundtracks of a concert recording are to be remixed and mastered, you can supply them accordingly.
CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc - Small Series Manufacturing

Our range of services also includes the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small series. CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs offer particular advantages over other storage media, and not just for archiving. USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives have a limited shelf life. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs lack electronic components. Thus, these potential weak points and causes for data loss are missing. Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, and CDs are great for selling, gifting, and archiving music, videos, or files.

Results of our work
City tour in Freyburg (Unstrut) with Günter Tomczak (city guide), wine terraces, St. Mary's Church, city wall

"The beauty of Freyburg (Unstrut): TV report about a city tour with city guide Günter ... »
Corona Hits Medley - Yann Song King - Opinions from the Burgenland district.

Corona hits medley - Yann Song King - The citizens' voice of ... »
Portrait of the Romanesque House in Bad Kösen along the Romanesque Road - Kristin Gerth reports in an interview.

Interview with Kristin Gerth: The Romanesque House in Bad Kösen - a portrait along ... »
TV report about the valuable historical church in Göthewitz, which is threatened with decay. The report shows how local parishes and activists are joining forces to preserve the building. Interview with Frank Leder, member of the parish church council Hohenmölsener Land.

The congregation of Göthewitz works hard to save their church from decay. This TV report ... »
Commitment to human rights: A report on the 4th social conference of the Burgenland district in Naumburg, which advocates for the observance of human rights. The report includes interviews with District Administrator Götz Ulrich and other experts on the importance of the conference for human rights engagement.

Educational opportunities for everyone: A report on the 4th Burgenland District Social ... »
SSC Saalesportclub Weissenfels Reviews Insights Outlooks Press Conference Part 1

Part 1 SSC Saalesportclub Weissenfels Press Conference Reviews Insights ... »

Burgenlandkreis Video-, TV-, Medienproduktion global
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deutsch ⟩ german ⟩ גֶרמָנִיָת
português ⟩ portuguese ⟩ 葡萄牙语
Монгол ⟩ mongolian ⟩ монгольский
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українська ⟩ ukrainian ⟩ ucraniano
dansk ⟩ danish ⟩ danish
հայերեն ⟩ armenian ⟩ armēņu
қазақ ⟩ kazakh ⟩ kazajo
Ελληνικά ⟩ greek ⟩ greke
shqiptare ⟩ albanian ⟩ albanac
ქართული ⟩ georgian ⟩ gruzijski
español ⟩ spanish ⟩ spainnis
magyar ⟩ hungarian ⟩ ungarisch
bosanski ⟩ bosnian ⟩ bosnia keel
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english ⟩ anglais ⟩ béarla
latviski ⟩ latvian ⟩ lettone
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বাংলা ⟩ bengali ⟩ bengalų
norsk ⟩ norwegian ⟩ noruego
français ⟩ french ⟩ franċiż
हिन्दी ⟩ hindi ⟩ Хинди
íslenskur ⟩ icelandic ⟩ исландский
فارسی فارسی ⟩ persian farsia ⟩ Персиан Фарсиа
slovenščina ⟩ slovenian ⟩ словенська
polski ⟩ polish ⟩ poljski
한국인 ⟩ korean ⟩ korejski
bahasa indonesia ⟩ indonesian ⟩ indonesesch
Русский ⟩ russian ⟩ रूसी
italiano ⟩ italian ⟩ italienska
hrvatski ⟩ croatian ⟩ kroatisch
беларускі ⟩ belarusian ⟩ בלארוסית
română ⟩ romanian ⟩ ルーマニア語
slovenský ⟩ slovak ⟩ basa slovak
svenska ⟩ swedish ⟩ स्वीडिश
lëtzebuergesch ⟩ luxembourgish ⟩ luksemburg
tiếng việt ⟩ vietnamese ⟩ vietnamita
Српски ⟩ serbian ⟩ الصربية
中国人 ⟩ chinese ⟩ chinese
suid afrikaans ⟩ south african ⟩ juhoafrický
eesti keel ⟩ estonian ⟩ estisk
nederlands ⟩ dutch ⟩ tiếng hà lan
עִברִית ⟩ hebrew ⟩ hebräisch
bugarski ⟩ bulgarian ⟩ бугарски
عربي ⟩ arabic ⟩ арабська
日本 ⟩ japanese ⟩ 일본어
basa jawa ⟩ javanese ⟩ 爪哇语
македонски ⟩ macedonian ⟩ македон
lietuvių ⟩ lithuanian ⟩ litvanyaca
čeština ⟩ czech ⟩ checo

nganyari kaca digawe dening Zhen Valencia - 2024.04.26 - 04:12:06